Blending brush on photoshop
Blending brush on photoshop

To do that, we'll need the layer mask selected, so click directly on the layer mask preview thumbnail in the Layers palette to select it.Note: This 3-part blog post series is now complete! To create our speckled border effect, we'll need to blur the edges of our photo border, which means we'll need to blur the layer mask. The black represents the area where the fill layer is not visible (the area inside the photo border). The white represents the area in our document window where the fill layer is visible (the photo border).

blending brush on photoshop blending brush on photoshop

Notice how the large rectangular area in the center of the thumbnail is filled with black while the area around it is filled with white. If we look in the Layers palette, we can see that the Solid Color fill layer (which Photoshop has named "Color Fill 1") contains a layer mask preview thumbnail. In fact, it's the layer mask for the Solid Color fill layer that's causing the solid black color to appear only in the photo border area. One of the great things about fill and adjustment layers in Photoshop is that they each come with a built-in layer mask. The Solid Color fill layer fills the border area with black.

blending brush on photoshop

Then we'll see how to use Dissolve to easily create a speckled photo border! I'll be using Photoshop CS4 for this tutorial, but any recent version will work just fine. First, after applying a simple sepia tone effect to our image, we'll add a bit more of an artistic look to it by combining the Dissolve mode with one of Photoshop's filters. Since no one likes to be the unpopular kid, I thought it would be fun to look at a couple of ways the Dissolve blend mode can be used to quickly add more interest to a photo. While other layer blend modes like Screen, Multiply and Overlay are some of the most important and often used features in all of Photoshop, the Dissolve blend mode, which creates a seemingly random "speckled" pattern as it blends layers together, is usually ignored. If you were to round up a group of long-time Photoshop users and ask them to name a feature in Photoshop that they've never found a use for, there's a good chance the Dissolve blend mode would be mentioned over and over again.

Blending brush on photoshop